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<center>'''Yuma yangdiff Manual'''</center>
Note yangdiff is not being built or installed by default in yuma123 and no changes to the code are done after ver. 2.2.
ver. 2.2 PDF http://www.yumaworks.com/wp-content/themes/Yuma/images/pdf/yuma-yangdiff-manual.pdf
<center>YANG-Based Unified Modular Automation Tools</center>
<center>YANG Module Compare Tool</center>
<center>Version yuma123-2.11</center>
== Legal Statements ==
Copyright 2009 – 2012, Andy Bierman, All Rights Reserved.
== Additional Resources ==
This document assumes you have successfully set up the software as described in the printed document:
Yuma Installation Guide
Other documentation includes:
Yuma Quickstart Guide
Yuma User Manual
Yuma netconfd Manual
Yuma yangcli Manual
Yuma yangdump Manual
Yuma Developer Manual
=== WEB Sites ===
* '''Netconf Central'''
** [http://www.netconfcentral.org/ http://www.netconfcentral.org/]
** Yuma Home Page
*** Free information on NETCONF and YANG, tutorials, on-line YANG module validation and documentation database
* '''Yuma SourceFource OpenSource Project'''
** [http://sourceforge.net/projects/yuma/ http://sourceforge.net/projects/yuma/]
*** Download Yuma source and binaries; project forums and help
* '''Yang Central'''
** [http://www.yang-central.org/ http://www.yang-central.org]
** Free information and tutorials on YANG, free YANG tools for download
* '''NETCONF Working Group Wiki Page'''
** [http://trac.tools.ietf.org/wg/netconf/trac/wiki http://trac.tools.ietf.org/wg/netconf/trac/wiki]
** Free information on NETCONF standardization activities and NETCONF implementations
* '''NETCONF WG Status Page'''
** http://tools.ietf.org/wg/netconf/
** IETF Internet draft status for NETCONF documents
* '''libsmi Home Page'''
** [http://www.ibr.cs.tu-bs.de/projects/libsmi/ http://www.ibr.cs.tu-bs.de/projects/libsmi/]
** Free tools such as smidump, to convert SMIv2 to YANG
* '''YumaWorks'''
** [http://www.yumaworks.com/ http://www.yumaworks.com]
** Offers support, training, and consulting for Yuma.
** Offers YumaPro, a professional version of Yuma that includes concurrency, external database support, sub-agent support, multiple northbound interfaces, and more. API compatible with Yuma. Availability: September, 2012. Licensed.
=== Mailing Lists ===
* '''NETCONF Working Group'''
** http://www.ietf.org/html.charters/netconf-charter.html
** Technical issues related to the NETCONF protocol are discussed on the NETCONF WG mailing list. Refer to the instructions on the WEB page for joining the mailing list.
* '''NETMOD Working Group'''
** [http://www.ietf.org/html.charters/netmod-charter.html http://www.ietf.org/html.charters/netmod-charter.html]
** Technical issues related to the YANG language and YANG data types are discussed on the NETMOD WG mailing list. Refer to the instructions on the WEB page for joining the mailing list.
== Conventions Used in this Document ==
The following formatting conventions are used throughout this document:
<center>'''Documentation Conventions'''</center>
{| class=wikitable border="1"
! <center>Convention</center>
! <center>Description</center>
| '''--foo'''
| CLI parameter foo
| '''<nowiki><foo></nowiki>'''
| XML parameter foo
| '''foo'''
| '''yangcli''' command or parameter
| '''$FOO'''
| Environment variable FOO
| '''$$foo'''
| '''yangcli''' global variable foo
| some text
| Example command or PDU
| some text
| Plain text
= yangdiff User Guide =
== Introduction ==
The '''yangdiff''' program is used to compare two revisions of the same YANG file.
=== Features ===
The '''yangdiff''' program has the following features:
* The conceptual YANG object trees are compared, not the actual YANG statements.
* Two separate subtrees of modules can be compared, not just 1 file at a time.
* The differences report format for differences is easy to read, and can be configured with 2 different levels of verbosity.
* A YANG revision statement can be automatically generated instead of a list of differences. This will include an English text summary of the differences found.
=== Starting yangdiff ===
The current working directory in use when '''yangdiff''' is invoked is important. It is most convenient to run '''yangdiff''' from a work directory, rather than the installation directory or within the module library.
The '''yangdiff''' program can be invoked several ways:
* To get the current version and exit:
'''yangdiff --version'''
* To get program help and exit:
'''yangdiff --help'''
'''yangdiff --help --brief'''
'''yangdiff --help --full'''
* To compare a new YANG module named 'foo', with an old version named foo.2008-09-01.yang, the following command line can be used
'''yangdiff --old=foo.2008-09-01.yang --new=foo'''
* To get all the configuration parameters from a text file named '~/yangdiff-project1.conf':
'''yangdiff'' --''config''<nowiki>=</nowiki>''~/yangdiff-project1.conf'''
* To generate a terse differences report called ''~/project-X-diffs.log'' for the old files in the '''/public/project-X/modules''' with the new modules in the '''~/work''' directory:
'''yangdiff'' --''difftype=terse
--output=~/project-X-diffs.log \'''
'''--old=/public/project-X/modules \'''
* To generate a revision statement differences to ''~/foo-projectX-revision.txt'' for the '~/work/foo.yang' module, with the old version in the in the '''/public/project-X/modules''':<br/>
'''yangdiff'' --''difftype=revision
--output=~/foo-project-X-revision.txt \'''
'''--old=/public/project-X/modules \'''
=== Stopping yangdiff ===
There is no interactive mode for '''yangdiff''', so there is no need for a command to exit the program.
The Control C character sequence can be used to cancel the '''yangdiff''' processing in progress. However, this will leave any partially completed output files in place.
=== Configuration Parameter List ===
The following configuration parameters are used by '''yangdiff'''. Refer to the CLI Reference for more details.
<center>'''yangdiff CLI Parameters'''</center>
{| class=wikitable border="1"
| <center>'''parameter'''</center>
| <center>'''description'''</center>
| --config
| Specifies the configuration file to use for parameters.
| --datapath
| Sets the data file search path.
| --difftype
| Specifies the type of differences report that should be output.
| --feature-disable
| Leaf list of features to disable
| --feature-enable
| Specifies a feature that should be enabled
| --feature-enable-default
| Specifies if a feature should be enabled or disabled by default
| --header
| Specifies whether the module header data should be compared or not.
| --help
| Get context-sensitive help, then exit.
| --help-mode
| Adjust the help output (--brief, or --full).
| --indent
| Specifies the indent count to use when writing data.
| --log
| Specifies the log file to use instead of STDOUT.
| --log-append
| Controls whether a log file will be reused or overwritten.
| --log-level
| Controls the verbosity of logging messages.
| --modpath
| Sets the module search path.
| --new
| Specifies the location of the new revision to compare.
| --old
| Specifies the location of the old revision to compare.
| --output
| Specifies where output files should be generated.
| --runpath
| Sets the executable file search path.
| --subdirs
| Controls whether sub-directories are searched for YANG files.
| --version
| Prints the program version and then exit.
| --warn-idlen
| Controls how identifier lengths are checked.
| --warn-linelen
| Controls how line lengths are checked.
| --warn-off
| Suppresses the specified warning number.
| --yuma-home
| Specifies the '''$YUMA_HOME''' project root to use when searching for files.
== Comparing YANG Modules ==
The '''yangdiff''' program compares YANG files in the following maner:
* The cooked object trees are compared, not the actual YANG statements.
* Whitespace differences are ignored.
* Non-semantic changes are ignored:
** A uses-stmt can replace a set of objects if the grouping is identical to the old objects.
** Refine statements are combined into the cooked objects, and not compared directly.
** A typedef statement can replace an inline type statement
** Changes to YANG comments are ignored.
** Sub-statement order is ignored, however object order with a container or list is not ignored.
** Objects can be moved to submodules, and include statements instead.
If the '''--old''' parameter is missing, then the module search path will be used to find the specified module with the same name. If the''' --old '''parameter contains just a module name, then the module search path will be used to find a module with the new name.
The '''--new''' parameter is required. It can represent one YANG file or a directory of new YANG modules.
The '''--difftype''' parameter is optional. The 'normal' report mode is used if this parameter is missing.
The '''--output''' parameter will be used for the report file, if it is specified.
{| class=wikitable border="1"
| <center>'''symbol'''</center>
| <center>'''description'''</center>
| <center>'''A'''</center>
| Definition has bend added.
| <center>'''M'''</center>
| Definition has been modified.
| <center>'''D'''</center>
| Definition has been deleted.
== Diff Reports ==
This section uses the example module below (test/'''test3a.yang''') to demonstrate the different report formats available. The old module revision is '''test/test3.yang'''.
The following command is used in all 3 examples, except the value of the --difftype parameter is changed each time.
'''<nowiki>yangdiff --old=test3a --new=test3 –difftype=<enum></nowiki>'''
=== Terse Report ===
If '''--difftype=terse''' is selected, then a brief summary of all changes will be listed. There will be no indentation, and only the change (Add, Modify, Delete), and the top-level definition is identified.
// Generated by yangdiff
// Copyright (c) 2009, Netconf Central, All Rights Reserved.
// old: test3 (2008-10-19) test3.yang
// new: test3 (2009-09-09) test3a.yang
D revision '2008-10-19'
A revision '2009-09-09'
A feature X
A identity testbase
A identity testbase1
M typedef C
D container test-D1
D leaf test-D
M container test33
=== Normal Report ===
If '''--difftype=normal''' is selected, then a complete summary of all changes will be listed.
If a change line is indented, it indicates a sub-statement of the object in the previous line has been changed.
// Generated by yangdiff
// Copyright (c) 2009, Netconf Central, All Rights Reserved.
// old: test3 (2008-10-19) test3.yang
// new: test3 (2009-09-09) test3a.yang
D revision '2008-10-19'
A revision '2009-09-09'
A feature X
A identity testbase
A identity testbase1
M typedef C
M type
M range from 'min .. 41 | 45' to 'min .. 41'
D container test-D1
D leaf test-D
M container test33
D presence 'not a top-level mand...'
M choice f
M case f1
M leaf f1
A if-feature 'X'
=== Revision Statement ===
If '''--difftype=revision''' is selected, then a complete summary of all changes will be printed in the form of a YANG revision statement. The current date will be used for the revision-date field of the revision statement.
// Generated by yangdiff
// Copyright (c) 2009, Netconf Central, All Rights Reserved.
// old: test3 (2008-10-19) test3.yang
// new: test3 (2009-09-09) test3a.yang
revision 2009-09-10 {
description "
- Removed revision '2008-10-19'
- Added revision '2009-09-09'
- Added feature X
- Added identity testbase
- Added identity testbase1
- Changed typedef C
- Changed type
- Changed range from 'min .. 41 | 45' to 'min .. 41'
- Removed container test-D1
- Removed leaf test-D
- Changed container test33
- Removed presence 'not a top-level mand...'
- Changed choice f
- Changed case f1
- Changed leaf f1
- Added if-feature 'X'
= CLI Reference =
The '''yangdiff''' program uses command line interface (CLI) parameters to control program behavior.
The following sections document all the Yuma CLI parameters relevant to this program, in alphabetical order.
== --config ==
The '''--config''' parameter specifies the name of a Yuma configuration file that contains more parameters to process, in addition to the CLI parameters.
Refer to the 'Configuration Files' section for details on the format of this file.
<center>'''--config parameter'''</center>
{| class=wikitable border="1"
| Syntax
| string: complete file specification of the text file to parse for more parameters.
| Default:
| /etc/yuma/yangdiff.conf
| Min Allowed:
| 0
| Max Allowed:
| 1
| Supported by:
| netconfdyangcliyangdiffyangdump
| Example:
| yangdiff --old=test1
--new=test1a \
== --difftype ==
The '''--difftype''' parameter controls how differences are displayed in the '''yangdiff''' program..
The allowed values are 'terse', 'normal', and 'revision'.
The basic report format is:
'''<nowiki>[add/delete/modify] field-name [field-value] </nowiki>'''
The ''''terse'''' option will include the names of the top-level fields that are different. The actual differences for modification lines ('M') are not printed.
M typedef C
D container test-D1
D leaf test-D
M container test33
The ''''normal'''' option will include any changes for any nested fields or objects. A brief description of the changes made in a modification line ('M') are printed. This is the default reporting mode.
M typedef C
M type
M range from 'min .. 41 | 45' to 'min .. 41'
D container test-D1
D leaf test-D
M container test33
D presence 'not a top-level mand...'
M choice f
M case f1
M leaf f1
A if-feature 'X'
The ''''revision'''' option will generate the differences report in YANG revision-stmt format. For example:
revision 2009-09-10 {
description "
- Changed typedef C
- Changed type
- Changed range from 'min .. 41 | 45' to 'min .. 41'
- Removed container test-D1
- Removed leaf test-D
- Changed container test33
- Removed presence 'not a top-level mand...'
- Changed choice f
- Changed case f1
- Changed leaf f1
- Added if-feature 'X'
<center>'''difftype parameter'''</center>
{| class=wikitable border="1"
| Syntax
| enumeration: '''terse normal revision'''
| Default:
| normal
| Min Allowed:
| 0
| Max Allowed:
| 1
| Supported by:
| yangdiff
| Example:
| yangdiff --difftype=revision \
== --feature-disable ==
The '''--feature-disable''' parameter directs all programs to disable a specific feature.
This parameter is a formatted string containing a module name, followed by a colon ':', followed by a feature name, e.g.,
It is an error if a '''--feature-enable''' and '''--feature-disable''' parameter specify the same feature.
Parameters for unknown features will be ignored.
<center>'''--feature-disable parameter'''</center>
{| class=wikitable border="1"
| Syntax
| formatted string (module:feature
| Default:
| none
| Min Allowed:
| 0
| Max Allowed:
| unlimited
| Supported by:
| yangcliyangdiffyangdumpnetconfd
| Example:
| yangdiff --format=c \
--feature-disable=test:feature1 \
== --feature-enable ==
The '''--feature-enable''' parameter directs all programs to enable a specific feature.
This parameter is a formatted string containing a module name, followed by a colon ':', followed by a feature name, e.g.,
It is an error if a '''--feature-disable''' and '''--feature-enable''' parameter specify the same feature.
Parameters for unknown features will be ignored.
<center>'''--feature-enable parameter'''</center>
{| class=wikitable border="1"
| Syntax
| formatted string (module:feature
| Default:
| none
| Min Allowed:
| 0
| Max Allowed:
| unlimited
| Supported by:
| yangcliyangdiffyangdumpnetconfd
| Example:
| yangdiff \
--feature-enable=test:feature1 \
--old=test --new=test-new
== --feature-enable-default ==
The '''--feature-enable-default''' parameter controls how '''yangdump''' will generate C code for YANG features by default.
If 'true', then by default, features will be enabled.
If 'false', then by default, features will be disabled.
If a '''--feature-enable''' or '''--feature-disable''' parameter is present for a specific feature, then this parameter will be ignored for that feature.
<center>'''--feature-enable-default parameter'''</center>
{| class=wikitable border="1"
| Syntax
| boolean (true or false)
| Default:
| Min Allowed:
| 0
| Max Allowed:
| 1
| Supported by:
| yangcliyangdiffyangdumpnetconfd
| Example:
| yangdiff \
== --header ==
The '''--header''' parameter controls whether YANG header contents will be compared in the '''yangdiff''' program.
<center>'''--header parameter'''</center>
{| class=wikitable border="1"
| Syntax
| boolean (true or false)
| Default:
| Min Allowed:
| 0
| Max Allowed:
| 1
| Supported by:
| yangdiff
| Example:
| yangdiff --header=false \
--old=~/saved-modules \
-- new=~/work
== --help ==
The '''--help''' parameter causes program help text to be printed, and then the program will exit instead of running as normal.
This parameter can be combined with the '''--help-mode''' parameter to control the verbosity of the help text. Use '''--brief''' for less, and '''--full '''for more than the normal verbosity.
This parameter can be combined with the '''--version''' parameter in all programs. It can also be combined with the '''--show-errors''' parameter in '''yangdump'''.
The program configuration parameters will be displayed in alphabetical order, not in schema order.
<center>'''--help parameter'''</center>
{| class=wikitable border="1"
| Syntax
| empty
| Default:
| none
| Min Allowed:
| 0
| Max Allowed:
| 1
| Supported by:
| netconfdyangcliyangdiffyangdump
| Example:
| yangdiff --help
== --help-mode ==
The '''--help-mode''' parameter is used to control the amount of detail printed when help text is requested in some command. It is always used with another command, and makes no sense by itself. It is ignored unless used with the '''--help''' parameter.
<center>'''--help-mode parameter'''</center>
{| class=wikitable border="1"
| Syntax
| choice of 3 empty leafs
'''--brief --normal --full'''
| Default:
| normal
| Min Allowed:
| 0
| Max Allowed:
| 1
| Supported by:
| netconfdyangcliyangdiffyangdump
| Example:
| yangdiff --help --help-mode=full
* '''default choice: '''normal
* '''choice help-mode'''
** '''brief'''
*** type: empty
*** This parameter specifies that brief documentation mode should be used.
** '''normal'''
*** type: empty
*** This parameter specifies that normal documentation mode should be used.
** '''full'''
*** type: empty
*** This parameter specifies that full documentation mode should be used.
== --indent ==
The '''--indent''' parameter specifies the number of spaces that will be used to add to the indentation level, each time a child node is printed during program operation.
<center>'''--indent parameter'''</center>
{| class=wikitable border="1"
| Syntax
| uint32 (0 .. 9)
| Default:
| 2
| Min Allowed:
| 0
| Max Allowed:
| 1
| Supported by:
| netconfdyangcliyangdiffyangdump
| Example:
| yangcli --indent=4
== --log ==
The '''--log''' parameter specifies the file name to be used for logging program messages, instead of STDOUT. It can be used with the optional''' --log-append''' and '''--log-level''' parameters to control how the log file is written.
<center>'''--log parameter'''</center>
{| class=wikitable border="1"
| Syntax
| string: log file specification
| Default:
| none
| Min Allowed:
| 0
| Max Allowed:
| 1
| Supported by:
| netconfdyangcliyangdiffyangdump
| Example:
| yangdiff --log=~/test.log&
== --log-append ==
The '''--log-append''' parameter specifies that the existing log file (if any) should be appended , instead of deleted. It is ignored unless the '''--log''' parameter is present.
<center>'''--log-append parameter'''</center>
{| class=wikitable border="1"
| Syntax
| empty
| Default:
| none
| Min Allowed:
| 0
| Max Allowed:
| 1
| Supported by:
| netconfdyangcliyangdiffyangdump
| Example:
| yangdiff --log-append \
== --log-level ==
The '''--log-level''' parameter controls the verbosity level of messages printed to the log file or STDOUT, if no log file is specified.
The log levels are incremental, meaning that each higher level includes everything from the previous level, plus additional messages.
There are 7 settings that can be used:
* '''none''': All logging is suppressed. Use with extreme caution!
* '''error''': Error messages are printed, indicating problems that require attention.
* '''warn''': Warning messages are printed, indicating problems that may require attention.
* '''info''': Informational messages are printed, that indicate program status changes.
* '''debug''': Debugging messages are printed that indicate program activity.
* '''debug2''': Protocol debugging and trace messages are enabled.
* '''debug3''': Very verbose debugging messages are enabled. This has an impact on resources and performance, and should be used with caution.
<center>'''log-level parameter'''</center>
{| class=wikitable border="1"
| Syntax
| enumeration: '''off error warn info debug debug2 debug3'''
| Default:
| --info (--debug for DEBUG builds)
| Min Allowed:
| 0
| Max Allowed:
| 1
| Supported by:
| netconfdyangcliyangdiffyangdump
| Example:
| yangdiff --log-level=debug \
== --modpath ==
The '''--modpath''' parameter specifies the YANG module search path to use while searching for YANG files. It consists of a colon (':') separated list of path specifications, commonly found in Unix, such as the '''$PATH''' environment variable.
This parameter overrides the '''$YUMA_MODPATH''' environment variable, if it is present.
<center>'''--modpath parameter'''</center>
{| class=wikitable border="1"
| Syntax
| string: list of directory specifications
| Default:
| '''$YUMA_MODPATH''' environment variable
| Min Allowed:
| 0
| Max Allowed:
| 1
| Supported by:
| netconfdyangcliyangdiffyangdump
| Example:
| yangdiff \
== --new ==
The '''--new''' parameter specifies the YANG file or directory containing the new revision to be compared in the '''yangdiff''' program.
If this parameter indicates a filename, then it represents the YANG source module name to compare as the newer of the two revisions.
If this parameter indicates a directory (and the 'old' parameter indicates a filename), then it will be used to to search for a file with the same name as the 'new' parameter.
If the 'old' parameter identifies a directory as well (and the 'no-subdirs' parameter is present), then the modules within the 'new' directory will be compared to files with the same name in the 'old' directory.
If the '''--subdirs''' parameter is ''true'', then all sub-directories within the 'src' directory will also be checked.
If this string begins with a '~' character, then a username is expected to follow or a directory separator character. If it begins with a '$' character, then an environment variable name is expected to follow.
<nowiki>~/some/path ==> <my-home-dir>/some/path </nowiki>
<nowiki>~fred/some/path ==> <fred-home-dir>/some/path </nowiki>
<nowiki>$workdir/some/path ==> <workdir-env-var>/some/path </nowiki>
This parameter must be present unless the''' --help''' or '''--version''' parameters are present.
<center>'''--new parameter'''</center>
{| class=wikitable border="1"
| Syntax
| string (module or directory specification. length 1 .. 4095)
| Default:
| none
| Min Allowed:
| 1
| Max Allowed:
| 1
| Supported by:
| yangdiff
| Example:
| yangdiff \
== --old ==
The '''--old''' parameter specifies the YANG file or directory containing the older revision to be compared in the '''yangdiff''' program.
If this parameter indicates a filename, then it represents the YANG source module name to compare as the older of the two revisions.
If this parameter indicates a directory (and the 'old' parameter indicates a filename), then it will be used to to search for a file with the same name as the 'new' parameter.
If this string begins with a '~' character, then a username is expected to follow or a directory separator character. If it begins with a '$' character, then an environment variable name is expected to follow.
<nowiki>~/some/path ==> <my-home-dir>/some/path </nowiki>
<nowiki>~fred/some/path ==> <fred-home-dir>/some/path </nowiki>
<nowiki>$workdir/some/path ==> <workdir-env-var>/some/path </nowiki>
This parameter must be present unless the '''--help''' or '''--version''' parameters are present.
<center>'''--old parameter'''</center>
{| class=wikitable border="1"
| Syntax
| string (module or directory specification. length 1 .. 4095)
| Default:
| none
| Min Allowed:
| 1
| Max Allowed:
| 1
| Supported by:
| yangdiff
| Example:
| yangdiff \
== --output ==
The '''--output''' parameter specifies where the output files generated by the program will be stored.
* The default is STDOUT if this parameter is not specified and the '''--defnames''' parameter is set to 'false'.
* If this parameter represents an existing directory, then the '''--defnames''' parameter will be set to 'true' by default.
* If this parameter represents a file name, then the '''--defnames''' parameter will be ignored, and all translation output will be directed to the specified file.
* If this string begins with a '~' character, then a username is expected to follow or a directory separator character. If it begins with a '$' character, then an environment variable name is expected to follow.
<nowiki>~/some/path ==> <my-home-dir>/some/path </nowiki>
<nowiki>~fred/some/path ==> <fred-home-dir>/some/path </nowiki>
<nowiki>$workdir/some/path ==> <workdir-env-var>/some/path </nowiki>
* If the target specified in this parameter '''does not '''exist:
** If there is only one file to be output, then this parameter is used as the file name.
** If there are multiple files to be output, then this parameter is used as a directory name. A new directory will be created, if it is needed.
* If the target specified in this parameter '''does''' exist:
** If there is only one file to be output:
*** If the existing target is also a file, then the current file is over-written.
*** If the existing target is a directory, then the output file will be created in this directory.
** If there are multiple files to be output:
*** If the existing target is a file, then an error will be generated instead of the output files.
*** If the existing target is a directory, then the output files will be created in the specified directory.
* Use a trailing path separator character to force this parameter value to be treated as a path specification (e.g., '~/workfiles/').
* This parameter is ignored if the '''--format''' parameter is missing.
<center>'''--output parameter'''</center>
{| class=wikitable border="1"
| Syntax
| string (path or file specification)
| Default:
| none
| Min Allowed:
| 0
| Max Allowed:
| 1
| Supported by:
| yangdumpyangdiff
| Example:
| yangdiff \
== --subdirs ==
The '''--subdirs''' parameter controls whether sub-directories should be searched or not, if they are found during a module search.
If false, the file search paths for modules, scripts, and data files will not include sub-directories if they exist in the specified path.
<center>'''--subdirs parameter'''</center>
{| class=wikitable border="1"
| Syntax
| boolean
| Default:
| Min Allowed:
| 0
| Max Allowed:
| 1
| Supported by:
| yangdiff
| Example:
| yangiff \
--subdirs=false \
== --version ==
The '''--version''' parameter causes the program version string to be printed, and then the program will exit instead of running as normal.
All Yuma version strings use the same format:
<nowiki>DEBUG: <major>.<minor>.<svn-build-version></nowiki>
<nowiki>NON-DEBUG: <major>.<minor>-<release></nowiki>
An example version number that may be printed:
yangdiff 2.0-0
This parameter can be combined with the '''--help '''parameter.
<center>'''--version parameter'''</center>
{| class=wikitable border="1"
| Syntax
| empty
| Default:
| none
| Min Allowed:
| 0
| Max Allowed:
| 1
| Supported by:
| netconfdyangcliyangdiffyangdump
| Example:
| yangdiff --version
== --warn-idlen ==
The''' --warn-idlen''' parameter controls whether identifier length warnings will be generated.
The value zero disables all identifier length checking. If non-zero, then a warning will be generated if an identifier is defined which has a length is greater than this amount.
<center>'''--warn-idlen parameter'''</center>
{| class=wikitable border="1"
| Syntax
| uint32: 0 to disable, or 8 .. 1023
| Default:
| 64
| Min Allowed:
| 0
| Max Allowed:
| 1
| Supported by:
| netconfdyangcliyangdiffyangdump
| Example:
| yangdiff --warn-idlen=50
== --warn-linelen ==
The''' --warn-linelen''' parameter controls whether line length warnings will be generated.
The value zero disables all line length checking. If non-zero, then a warning will be generated if a YANG file line is entered which has a length is greater than this amount.
Tab characters are counted as 8 spaces.
<center>'''--warn-linelen parameter'''</center>
{| class=wikitable border="1"
| Syntax
| uint32: 0 to disable, or 40 .. 4095
| Default:
| 72
| Min Allowed:
| 0
| Max Allowed:
| 1
| Supported by:
| netconfdyangcliyangdiffyangdump
| Example:
| yangdiff --warn-linelen=79
== --warn-off ==
The''' --warn-off''' parameter suppresses a specific warning number.
The error and warning numbers, and the default messages, can be viewed with the yangdump program by using the '''--show-errors''' configuration parameter.
The specific warning message will be disabled for all modules. No message will be printed and the warning will not count towards the total for that module.
<center>'''--warn-off parameter'''</center>
{| class=wikitable border="1"
| Syntax
| uint32: 400 .. 899
| Default:
| none
| Min Allowed:
| 0
| Max Allowed:
| 499
| Supported by:
| netconfdyangcliyangdiffyangdump
| Example:
| yangdiff --warn-off=435
<nowiki># revision order not descending</nowiki>
== --yuma-home ==
The '''--yuma-home''' parameter specifies the project directory root to use when searching for files.
If present, this directory location will override the ''''$YUMA_HOME''' environment variable, if it is set. If this parameter is set to a zero-length string, then the $'''YUMA_HOME''' environment variable will be ignored.
The following directories are searched when either the '''$YUMA_HOME''' environment variable or this parameter is set:
* '''$YUMA_HOME/modules'''
** This sub-tree is searched for YANG files.
* '''$YUMA_HOME/data'''
** This directory is searched for data files.
* '''$YUMA_HOME/scripts'''
** This directory is searched for '''yangcli''' script files.
<center>'''yuma-home parameter'''</center>
{| class=wikitable border="1"
| Syntax
| string: directory specification
| Default:
| '''$YUMA_HOME''' environment variable
| Min Allowed:
| 0
| Max Allowed:
| 1
| Supported by:
| netconfdyangcliyangdiffyangdump
| Example:
| yangdiff \

Latest revision as of 14:23, 18 October 2018

Yuma yangdiff Manual

YANG-Based Unified Modular Automation Tools

YANG Module Compare Tool

Version yuma123-2.11

Legal Statements

Copyright 2009 – 2012, Andy Bierman, All Rights Reserved.

Additional Resources

This document assumes you have successfully set up the software as described in the printed document:

Yuma Installation Guide

Other documentation includes:

Yuma Quickstart Guide

Yuma User Manual

Yuma netconfd Manual

Yuma yangcli Manual

Yuma yangdump Manual

Yuma Developer Manual

WEB Sites

Mailing Lists

Conventions Used in this Document

The following formatting conventions are used throughout this document:

Documentation Conventions

--foo CLI parameter foo
<foo> XML parameter foo
foo yangcli command or parameter
$FOO Environment variable FOO
$$foo yangcli global variable foo
some text Example command or PDU
some text Plain text

yangdiff User Guide



The yangdiff program is used to compare two revisions of the same YANG file.


The yangdiff program has the following features:

  • The conceptual YANG object trees are compared, not the actual YANG statements.
  • Two separate subtrees of modules can be compared, not just 1 file at a time.
  • The differences report format for differences is easy to read, and can be configured with 2 different levels of verbosity.
  • A YANG revision statement can be automatically generated instead of a list of differences. This will include an English text summary of the differences found.

Starting yangdiff

The current working directory in use when yangdiff is invoked is important. It is most convenient to run yangdiff from a work directory, rather than the installation directory or within the module library.

The yangdiff program can be invoked several ways:

  • To get the current version and exit:
        yangdiff --version

  • To get program help and exit:
        yangdiff --help
        yangdiff --help --brief
        yangdiff --help --full

  • To compare a new YANG module named 'foo', with an old version named foo.2008-09-01.yang, the following command line can be used
        yangdiff --old=foo.2008-09-01.yang --new=foo

  • To get all the configuration parameters from a text file named '~/yangdiff-project1.conf':
            yangdiff --config=~/yangdiff-project1.conf

  • To generate a terse differences report called ~/project-X-diffs.log for the old files in the /public/project-X/modules with the new modules in the ~/work directory:
            yangdiff --difftype=terse 
            --output=~/project-X-diffs.log \
            --old=/public/project-X/modules \
  • To generate a revision statement differences to ~/foo-projectX-revision.txt for the '~/work/foo.yang' module, with the old version in the in the /public/project-X/modules:

            yangdiff --difftype=revision 
            --output=~/foo-project-X-revision.txt \
            --old=/public/project-X/modules \

Stopping yangdiff

There is no interactive mode for yangdiff, so there is no need for a command to exit the program.

The Control C character sequence can be used to cancel the yangdiff processing in progress. However, this will leave any partially completed output files in place.

Configuration Parameter List

The following configuration parameters are used by yangdiff. Refer to the CLI Reference for more details.

yangdiff CLI Parameters

--config Specifies the configuration file to use for parameters.
--datapath Sets the data file search path.
--difftype Specifies the type of differences report that should be output.
--feature-disable Leaf list of features to disable
--feature-enable Specifies a feature that should be enabled
--feature-enable-default Specifies if a feature should be enabled or disabled by default
--header Specifies whether the module header data should be compared or not.
--help Get context-sensitive help, then exit.
--help-mode Adjust the help output (--brief, or --full).
--indent Specifies the indent count to use when writing data.
--log Specifies the log file to use instead of STDOUT.
--log-append Controls whether a log file will be reused or overwritten.
--log-level Controls the verbosity of logging messages.
--modpath Sets the module search path.
--new Specifies the location of the new revision to compare.
--old Specifies the location of the old revision to compare.
--output Specifies where output files should be generated.
--runpath Sets the executable file search path.
--subdirs Controls whether sub-directories are searched for YANG files.
--version Prints the program version and then exit.
--warn-idlen Controls how identifier lengths are checked.
--warn-linelen Controls how line lengths are checked.
--warn-off Suppresses the specified warning number.
--yuma-home Specifies the $YUMA_HOME project root to use when searching for files.

Comparing YANG Modules

The yangdiff program compares YANG files in the following maner:

  • The cooked object trees are compared, not the actual YANG statements.
  • Whitespace differences are ignored.
  • Non-semantic changes are ignored:
    • A uses-stmt can replace a set of objects if the grouping is identical to the old objects.
    • Refine statements are combined into the cooked objects, and not compared directly.
    • A typedef statement can replace an inline type statement
    • Changes to YANG comments are ignored.
    • Sub-statement order is ignored, however object order with a container or list is not ignored.
    • Objects can be moved to submodules, and include statements instead.

If the --old parameter is missing, then the module search path will be used to find the specified module with the same name. If the --old parameter contains just a module name, then the module search path will be used to find a module with the new name.

The --new parameter is required. It can represent one YANG file or a directory of new YANG modules.

The --difftype parameter is optional. The 'normal' report mode is used if this parameter is missing.

The --output parameter will be used for the report file, if it is specified.

Definition has bend added.
Definition has been modified.
Definition has been deleted.

Diff Reports

This section uses the example module below (test/test3a.yang) to demonstrate the different report formats available. The old module revision is test/test3.yang.

The following command is used in all 3 examples, except the value of the --difftype parameter is changed each time.

    yangdiff --old=test3a --new=test3 –difftype=<enum>

Terse Report

If --difftype=terse is selected, then a brief summary of all changes will be listed. There will be no indentation, and only the change (Add, Modify, Delete), and the top-level definition is identified.

// Generated by yangdiff 
// Copyright (c) 2009, Netconf Central, All Rights Reserved. 
// old: test3 (2008-10-19) test3.yang 
// new: test3 (2009-09-09) test3a.yang 
D revision '2008-10-19' 
A revision '2009-09-09' 
A feature X 
A identity testbase 
A identity testbase1 
M typedef C 
D container test-D1 
D leaf test-D 
M container test33 

Normal Report

If --difftype=normal is selected, then a complete summary of all changes will be listed.

If a change line is indented, it indicates a sub-statement of the object in the previous line has been changed.

// Generated by yangdiff 
// Copyright (c) 2009, Netconf Central, All Rights Reserved. 
// old: test3 (2008-10-19) test3.yang 
// new: test3 (2009-09-09) test3a.yang 
D revision '2008-10-19' 
A revision '2009-09-09' 
A feature X 
A identity testbase 
A identity testbase1 
M typedef C 
   M type 
      M range from 'min .. 41 | 45' to 'min .. 41' 
D container test-D1 
D leaf test-D 
M container test33 
   D presence 'not a top-level mand...' 
   M choice f 
      M case f1 
         M leaf f1 
            A if-feature 'X' 

Revision Statement

If --difftype=revision is selected, then a complete summary of all changes will be printed in the form of a YANG revision statement. The current date will be used for the revision-date field of the revision statement.

// Generated by yangdiff 
// Copyright (c) 2009, Netconf Central, All Rights Reserved. 
// old: test3 (2008-10-19) test3.yang 
// new: test3 (2009-09-09) test3a.yang 
   revision 2009-09-10 { 
      description " 
         - Removed revision '2008-10-19' 
         - Added revision '2009-09-09' 
         - Added feature X 
         - Added identity testbase 
         - Added identity testbase1 
         - Changed typedef C 
            - Changed type 
               - Changed range from 'min .. 41 | 45' to 'min .. 41' 
         - Removed container test-D1 
         - Removed leaf test-D 
         - Changed container test33 
            - Removed presence 'not a top-level mand...' 
            - Changed choice f 
               - Changed case f1 
                  - Changed leaf f1 
                     - Added if-feature 'X' 

CLI Reference

The yangdiff program uses command line interface (CLI) parameters to control program behavior.

The following sections document all the Yuma CLI parameters relevant to this program, in alphabetical order.


The --config parameter specifies the name of a Yuma configuration file that contains more parameters to process, in addition to the CLI parameters.

Refer to the 'Configuration Files' section for details on the format of this file.

--config parameter

Syntax string: complete file specification of the text file to parse for more parameters.
Default: /etc/yuma/yangdiff.conf
Min Allowed: 0
Max Allowed: 1
Supported by: netconfdyangcliyangdiffyangdump
Example: yangdiff --old=test1
   --new=test1a \


The --difftype parameter controls how differences are displayed in the yangdiff program..

The allowed values are 'terse', 'normal', and 'revision'.

The basic report format is:

    [add/delete/modify] field-name [field-value] 

The 'terse' option will include the names of the top-level fields that are different. The actual differences for modification lines ('M') are not printed.

    M typedef C 
    D container test-D1 
    D leaf test-D 
    M container test33

The 'normal' option will include any changes for any nested fields or objects. A brief description of the changes made in a modification line ('M') are printed. This is the default reporting mode.

M typedef C 
   M type 
      M range from 'min .. 41 | 45' to 'min .. 41' 
D container test-D1 
D leaf test-D 
M container test33 
   D presence 'not a top-level mand...' 
   M choice f 
      M case f1 
         M leaf f1 
            A if-feature 'X'

The 'revision' option will generate the differences report in YANG revision-stmt format. For example:

  revision 2009-09-10 { 
      description " 
         - Changed typedef C 
            - Changed type 
               - Changed range from 'min .. 41 | 45' to 'min .. 41' 
         - Removed container test-D1 
         - Removed leaf test-D 
         - Changed container test33 
            - Removed presence 'not a top-level mand...' 
            - Changed choice f 
               - Changed case f1 
                  - Changed leaf f1 
                     - Added if-feature 'X' 
difftype parameter

Syntax enumeration: terse normal revision
Default: normal
Min Allowed: 0
Max Allowed: 1
Supported by: yangdiff
Example: yangdiff --difftype=revision \


The --feature-disable parameter directs all programs to disable a specific feature.

This parameter is a formatted string containing a module name, followed by a colon ':', followed by a feature name, e.g.,


It is an error if a --feature-enable and --feature-disable parameter specify the same feature.

Parameters for unknown features will be ignored.

--feature-disable parameter

Syntax formatted string (module:feature
Default: none
Min Allowed: 0
Max Allowed: unlimited
Supported by: yangcliyangdiffyangdumpnetconfd
Example: yangdiff --format=c \
    --feature-disable=test:feature1 \


The --feature-enable parameter directs all programs to enable a specific feature.

This parameter is a formatted string containing a module name, followed by a colon ':', followed by a feature name, e.g.,


It is an error if a --feature-disable and --feature-enable parameter specify the same feature.

Parameters for unknown features will be ignored.

--feature-enable parameter

Syntax formatted string (module:feature
Default: none
Min Allowed: 0
Max Allowed: unlimited
Supported by: yangcliyangdiffyangdumpnetconfd
Example: yangdiff \
    --feature-enable=test:feature1 \
    --old=test --new=test-new


The --feature-enable-default parameter controls how yangdump will generate C code for YANG features by default.

If 'true', then by default, features will be enabled.

If 'false', then by default, features will be disabled.

If a --feature-enable or --feature-disable parameter is present for a specific feature, then this parameter will be ignored for that feature.

--feature-enable-default parameter

Syntax boolean (true or false)
Default: TRUE
Min Allowed: 0
Max Allowed: 1
Supported by: yangcliyangdiffyangdumpnetconfd
Example: yangdiff \


The --header parameter controls whether YANG header contents will be compared in the yangdiff program.

--header parameter

Syntax boolean (true or false)
Default: TRUE
Min Allowed: 0
Max Allowed: 1
Supported by: yangdiff
Example: yangdiff --header=false \
  --old=~/saved-modules \
  -- new=~/work


The --help parameter causes program help text to be printed, and then the program will exit instead of running as normal.

This parameter can be combined with the --help-mode parameter to control the verbosity of the help text. Use --brief for less, and --full for more than the normal verbosity.

This parameter can be combined with the --version parameter in all programs. It can also be combined with the --show-errors parameter in yangdump.

The program configuration parameters will be displayed in alphabetical order, not in schema order.

--help parameter

Syntax empty
Default: none
Min Allowed: 0
Max Allowed: 1
Supported by: netconfdyangcliyangdiffyangdump
Example: yangdiff --help


The --help-mode parameter is used to control the amount of detail printed when help text is requested in some command. It is always used with another command, and makes no sense by itself. It is ignored unless used with the --help parameter.

--help-mode parameter

Syntax choice of 3 empty leafs

--brief --normal --full

Default: normal
Min Allowed: 0
Max Allowed: 1
Supported by: netconfdyangcliyangdiffyangdump
Example: yangdiff --help --help-mode=full
  • default choice: normal
  • choice help-mode
    • brief
      • type: empty
      • This parameter specifies that brief documentation mode should be used.
    • normal
      • type: empty
      • This parameter specifies that normal documentation mode should be used.
    • full
      • type: empty
      • This parameter specifies that full documentation mode should be used.


The --indent parameter specifies the number of spaces that will be used to add to the indentation level, each time a child node is printed during program operation.

--indent parameter

Syntax uint32 (0 .. 9)
Default: 2
Min Allowed: 0
Max Allowed: 1
Supported by: netconfdyangcliyangdiffyangdump
Example: yangcli --indent=4


The --log parameter specifies the file name to be used for logging program messages, instead of STDOUT. It can be used with the optional --log-append and --log-level parameters to control how the log file is written.

--log parameter

Syntax string: log file specification
Default: none
Min Allowed: 0
Max Allowed: 1
Supported by: netconfdyangcliyangdiffyangdump
Example: yangdiff --log=~/test.log&


The --log-append parameter specifies that the existing log file (if any) should be appended , instead of deleted. It is ignored unless the --log parameter is present.

--log-append parameter

Syntax empty
Default: none
Min Allowed: 0
Max Allowed: 1
Supported by: netconfdyangcliyangdiffyangdump
Example: yangdiff --log-append \


The --log-level parameter controls the verbosity level of messages printed to the log file or STDOUT, if no log file is specified.

The log levels are incremental, meaning that each higher level includes everything from the previous level, plus additional messages.

There are 7 settings that can be used:

  • none: All logging is suppressed. Use with extreme caution!
  • error: Error messages are printed, indicating problems that require attention.
  • warn: Warning messages are printed, indicating problems that may require attention.
  • info: Informational messages are printed, that indicate program status changes.
  • debug: Debugging messages are printed that indicate program activity.
  • debug2: Protocol debugging and trace messages are enabled.
  • debug3: Very verbose debugging messages are enabled. This has an impact on resources and performance, and should be used with caution.
log-level parameter

Syntax enumeration: off error warn info debug debug2 debug3
Default: --info (--debug for DEBUG builds)
Min Allowed: 0
Max Allowed: 1
Supported by: netconfdyangcliyangdiffyangdump
Example: yangdiff --log-level=debug \


The --modpath parameter specifies the YANG module search path to use while searching for YANG files. It consists of a colon (':') separated list of path specifications, commonly found in Unix, such as the $PATH environment variable.

This parameter overrides the $YUMA_MODPATH environment variable, if it is present.

--modpath parameter

Syntax string: list of directory specifications
Default: $YUMA_MODPATH environment variable
Min Allowed: 0
Max Allowed: 1
Supported by: netconfdyangcliyangdiffyangdump
Example: yangdiff \


The --new parameter specifies the YANG file or directory containing the new revision to be compared in the yangdiff program.

If this parameter indicates a filename, then it represents the YANG source module name to compare as the newer of the two revisions.

If this parameter indicates a directory (and the 'old' parameter indicates a filename), then it will be used to to search for a file with the same name as the 'new' parameter.

If the 'old' parameter identifies a directory as well (and the 'no-subdirs' parameter is present), then the modules within the 'new' directory will be compared to files with the same name in the 'old' directory.

If the --subdirs parameter is true, then all sub-directories within the 'src' directory will also be checked.

If this string begins with a '~' character, then a username is expected to follow or a directory separator character. If it begins with a '$' character, then an environment variable name is expected to follow.

~/some/path ==> <my-home-dir>/some/path 
~fred/some/path ==> <fred-home-dir>/some/path 
$workdir/some/path ==> <workdir-env-var>/some/path 

This parameter must be present unless the --help or --version parameters are present.

--new parameter

Syntax string (module or directory specification. length 1 .. 4095)
Default: none
Min Allowed: 1
Max Allowed: 1
Supported by: yangdiff
Example: yangdiff \


The --old parameter specifies the YANG file or directory containing the older revision to be compared in the yangdiff program.

If this parameter indicates a filename, then it represents the YANG source module name to compare as the older of the two revisions.

If this parameter indicates a directory (and the 'old' parameter indicates a filename), then it will be used to to search for a file with the same name as the 'new' parameter.

If this string begins with a '~' character, then a username is expected to follow or a directory separator character. If it begins with a '$' character, then an environment variable name is expected to follow.

~/some/path ==> <my-home-dir>/some/path 
~fred/some/path ==> <fred-home-dir>/some/path 
$workdir/some/path ==> <workdir-env-var>/some/path 

This parameter must be present unless the --help or --version parameters are present.

--old parameter

Syntax string (module or directory specification. length 1 .. 4095)
Default: none
Min Allowed: 1
Max Allowed: 1
Supported by: yangdiff
Example: yangdiff \


The --output parameter specifies where the output files generated by the program will be stored.

  • The default is STDOUT if this parameter is not specified and the --defnames parameter is set to 'false'.
  • If this parameter represents an existing directory, then the --defnames parameter will be set to 'true' by default.
  • If this parameter represents a file name, then the --defnames parameter will be ignored, and all translation output will be directed to the specified file.
  • If this string begins with a '~' character, then a username is expected to follow or a directory separator character. If it begins with a '$' character, then an environment variable name is expected to follow.
        ~/some/path ==> <my-home-dir>/some/path 
    ~fred/some/path ==> <fred-home-dir>/some/path 
    $workdir/some/path ==> <workdir-env-var>/some/path 

  • If the target specified in this parameter does not exist:
    • If there is only one file to be output, then this parameter is used as the file name.
    • If there are multiple files to be output, then this parameter is used as a directory name. A new directory will be created, if it is needed.
  • If the target specified in this parameter does exist:
    • If there is only one file to be output:
      • If the existing target is also a file, then the current file is over-written.
      • If the existing target is a directory, then the output file will be created in this directory.
    • If there are multiple files to be output:
      • If the existing target is a file, then an error will be generated instead of the output files.
      • If the existing target is a directory, then the output files will be created in the specified directory.
  • Use a trailing path separator character to force this parameter value to be treated as a path specification (e.g., '~/workfiles/').
  • This parameter is ignored if the --format parameter is missing.
--output parameter

Syntax string (path or file specification)
Default: none
Min Allowed: 0
Max Allowed: 1
Supported by: yangdumpyangdiff
Example: yangdiff \


The --subdirs parameter controls whether sub-directories should be searched or not, if they are found during a module search.

If false, the file search paths for modules, scripts, and data files will not include sub-directories if they exist in the specified path.

--subdirs parameter

Syntax boolean
Default: TRUE
Min Allowed: 0
Max Allowed: 1
Supported by: yangdiff


Example: yangiff \
  --subdirs=false \


The --version parameter causes the program version string to be printed, and then the program will exit instead of running as normal.

All Yuma version strings use the same format:

DEBUG: <major>.<minor>.<svn-build-version>


NON-DEBUG: <major>.<minor>-<release>

An example version number that may be printed:

    yangdiff  2.0-0

This parameter can be combined with the --help parameter.

--version parameter

Syntax empty
Default: none
Min Allowed: 0
Max Allowed: 1
Supported by: netconfdyangcliyangdiffyangdump
Example: yangdiff --version


The --warn-idlen parameter controls whether identifier length warnings will be generated.

The value zero disables all identifier length checking. If non-zero, then a warning will be generated if an identifier is defined which has a length is greater than this amount.

--warn-idlen parameter

Syntax uint32: 0 to disable, or 8 .. 1023
Default: 64
Min Allowed: 0
Max Allowed: 1
Supported by: netconfdyangcliyangdiffyangdump
Example: yangdiff --warn-idlen=50


The --warn-linelen parameter controls whether line length warnings will be generated.

The value zero disables all line length checking. If non-zero, then a warning will be generated if a YANG file line is entered which has a length is greater than this amount.

Tab characters are counted as 8 spaces.

--warn-linelen parameter

Syntax uint32: 0 to disable, or 40 .. 4095
Default: 72
Min Allowed: 0
Max Allowed: 1
Supported by: netconfdyangcliyangdiffyangdump
Example: yangdiff --warn-linelen=79


The --warn-off parameter suppresses a specific warning number.

The error and warning numbers, and the default messages, can be viewed with the yangdump program by using the --show-errors configuration parameter.

The specific warning message will be disabled for all modules. No message will be printed and the warning will not count towards the total for that module.

--warn-off parameter

Syntax uint32: 400 .. 899
Default: none
Min Allowed: 0
Max Allowed: 499
Supported by: netconfdyangcliyangdiffyangdump
Example: yangdiff --warn-off=435
# revision order not descending


The --yuma-home parameter specifies the project directory root to use when searching for files.

If present, this directory location will override the '$YUMA_HOME environment variable, if it is set. If this parameter is set to a zero-length string, then the $YUMA_HOME environment variable will be ignored.

The following directories are searched when either the $YUMA_HOME environment variable or this parameter is set:

  • $YUMA_HOME/modules
    • This sub-tree is searched for YANG files.
  • $YUMA_HOME/data
    • This directory is searched for data files.
  • $YUMA_HOME/scripts
    • This directory is searched for yangcli script files.
yuma-home parameter

Syntax string: directory specification
Default: $YUMA_HOME environment variable
Min Allowed: 0
Max Allowed: 1
Supported by: netconfdyangcliyangdiffyangdump
Example: yangdiff \