Reporting issues and debugging
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Revision as of 15:27, 7 November 2018 by Vladimir (talk | contribs) (→Usecase: Debugging NETCONF session problems)
Reporting issues
- Issues can be posted at
- Issue reports must specify the exact version of the source code.
- Issue reports should provide detailed description of how the problem can be produced and if possible an automated test case like the test cases part of yuma123/netconf/test/netconfd
- Where applicable issue reports should contain gdb backtrace and core dump file.
Usecase: Debugging NETCONF session problems
Enable full sshd session dump by replacing /usr/sbin/netconf-subsystem with a wrapper. Edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config to make sshd use the wrapper and restart sshd:
#!/bin/sh timestamp-tee -t /tmp/nc-`date +%s`-in.txt 2>/tmp/nc-`date +%s`-its.txt | /usr/sbin/netconf-subsystem | timestamp-tee -t /tmp/nc-`date +%s`-out.txt 2>/tmp/nc-`date +%s`-ots.txt
Usecase: Debugging the YANG module parser
Example gdb session with tk_dump_chain(pcb->tkc) usecase.
v@lmf:~/yuma123-git/netconf/test/netconfd/ietf-netmod-sub-intf-vlan-model$ rm /tmp/ncxserver.sock ; gdb --args /usr/sbin/netconfd --module=./ietf-interfaces-common@2017-03-13.yang --module=./ietf-interfaces-ethernet-like@2017-03-13.yang --module=./ietf-if-l3-vlan@2017-03-13.yang --module=/usr/share/yuma/modules/ietf/iana-if-type.yang --module=./vlans.yang --module=./composite-match.yang --modpath=./:/usr/share/yuma/modules/ --no-startup --superuser=$USER --log-level=debug4 ... Breakpoint 1, parse_path_expr (pcb=0x74ed10, res=0x74eec4) at ../../../netconf/src/ncx/xpath1.c:7768 7768 val1 = NULL; (gdb) next 7769 val2 = NULL; (gdb) next 7772 nexttyp = tk_next_typ(pcb->tkc); (gdb) bt #0 parse_path_expr (pcb=0x74ed10, res=0x74eec4) at ../../../netconf/src/ncx/xpath1.c:7772 #1 0x00007ffff7918bae in parse_union_expr (pcb=0x74ed10, res=0x74eec4) at ../../../netconf/src/ncx/xpath1.c:7881 #2 0x00007ffff7918d71 in parse_unary_expr (pcb=0x74ed10, res=0x74eec4) at ../../../netconf/src/ncx/xpath1.c:7974 #3 0x00007ffff7918eb9 in parse_multiplicative_expr (pcb=0x74ed10, res=0x74eec4) at ../../../netconf/src/ncx/xpath1.c:8047 #4 0x00007ffff7919263 in parse_additive_expr (pcb=0x74ed10, res=0x74eec4) at ../../../netconf/src/ncx/xpath1.c:8209 #5 0x00007ffff791956f in parse_relational_expr (pcb=0x74ed10, res=0x74eec4) at ../../../netconf/src/ncx/xpath1.c:8352 #6 0x00007ffff79197be in parse_equality_expr (pcb=0x74ed10, res=0x74eec4) at ../../../netconf/src/ncx/xpath1.c:8477 #7 0x00007ffff7919a7a in parse_and_expr (pcb=0x74ed10, res=0x74eec4) at ../../../netconf/src/ncx/xpath1.c:8605 #8 0x00007ffff7919c50 in parse_or_expr (pcb=0x74ed10, res=0x74eec4) at ../../../netconf/src/ncx/xpath1.c:8701 #9 0x00007ffff7919e05 in parse_expr (pcb=0x74ed10, res=0x74eec4) at ../../../netconf/src/ncx/xpath1.c:8788 #10 0x00007ffff7917f2f in parse_function_call (pcb=0x74ed10, res=0x74eec4) at ../../../netconf/src/ncx/xpath1.c:7395 #11 0x00007ffff7918703 in parse_primary_expr (pcb=0x74ed10, res=0x74eec4) at ../../../netconf/src/ncx/xpath1.c:7641 #12 0x00007ffff791888c in parse_filter_expr (pcb=0x74ed10, res=0x74eec4) at ../../../netconf/src/ncx/xpath1.c:7702 #13 0x00007ffff7918ad6 in parse_path_expr (pcb=0x74ed10, res=0x74eec4) at ../../../netconf/src/ncx/xpath1.c:7813 #14 0x00007ffff7918bae in parse_union_expr (pcb=0x74ed10, res=0x74eec4) at ../../../netconf/src/ncx/xpath1.c:7881 #15 0x00007ffff7918d71 in parse_unary_expr (pcb=0x74ed10, res=0x74eec4) at ../../../netconf/src/ncx/xpath1.c:7974 #16 0x00007ffff7918eb9 in parse_multiplicative_expr (pcb=0x74ed10, res=0x74eec4) at ../../../netconf/src/ncx/xpath1.c:8047 #17 0x00007ffff7919263 in parse_additive_expr (pcb=0x74ed10, res=0x74eec4) at ../../../netconf/src/ncx/xpath1.c:8209 #18 0x00007ffff791956f in parse_relational_expr (pcb=0x74ed10, res=0x74eec4) at ../../../netconf/src/ncx/xpath1.c:8352 #19 0x00007ffff79197be in parse_equality_expr (pcb=0x74ed10, res=0x74eec4) at ../../../netconf/src/ncx/xpath1.c:8477 #20 0x00007ffff7919a7a in parse_and_expr (pcb=0x74ed10, res=0x74eec4) at ../../../netconf/src/ncx/xpath1.c:8605 #21 0x00007ffff7919c50 in parse_or_expr (pcb=0x74ed10, res=0x74eec4) at ../../../netconf/src/ncx/xpath1.c:8701 #22 0x00007ffff7919e05 in parse_expr (pcb=0x74ed10, res=0x74eec4) at ../../../netconf/src/ncx/xpath1.c:8788 #23 0x00007ffff791a57f in xpath1_validate_expr_ex (mod=0x628bc0, obj=0x74ea40, pcb=0x74ed10, missing_is_error=false) at ../../../netconf/src/ncx/xpath1.c:9111 #24 0x00007ffff7936676 in resolve_when (mod=0x628bc0, when=0x74ed10, obj=0x74ea40) at ../../../netconf/src/ncx/yang_obj.c:5340 #25 0x00007ffff793d86e in resolve_xpath (tkc=0x692860, mod=0x628bc0, datadefQ=0x6d1748) at ../../../netconf/src/ncx/yang_obj.c:9433 #26 0x00007ffff793d954 in resolve_xpath (tkc=0x692860, mod=0x628bc0, datadefQ=0x628cd0) at ../../../netconf/src/ncx/yang_obj.c:9458 #27 0x00007ffff793fd46 in yang_obj_resolve_xpath (tkc=0x692860, mod=0x628bc0, datadefQ=0x628cd0) at ../../../netconf/src/ncx/yang_obj.c:10752 #28 0x00007ffff794763f in parse_yang_module (tkc=0x692860, mod=0x628bc0, pcb=0x6c7320, ptyp=YANG_PT_TOP, wasadded=0x7fffffffdb5b) at ../../../netconf/src/ncx/yang_parse.c:3439 #29 0x00007ffff7948414 in yang_parse_from_filespec (filespec=0x648510 "./ietf-interfaces-common@2017-03-13.yang", pcb=0x6c7320, ptyp=YANG_PT_TOP, isyang=true) at ../../../netconf/src/ncx/yang_parse.c:3902 #30 0x00007ffff78c0e6f in try_module (buff=0x648510 "./ietf-interfaces-common@2017-03-13.yang", bufflen=40, path=0x0, path2=0x0, modname=0x0, revision=0x0, mode=NCXMOD_MODE_FILEYANG, usebuff=true, done=0x7fffffffdc7f, pcb=0x6c7320, ptyp=YANG_PT_TOP) at ../../../netconf/src/ncx/ncxmod.c:461 #31 0x00007ffff78c282a in try_module_filespec (mode=NCXMOD_MODE_FILEYANG, modname=0x68fb80 "./ietf-interfaces-common@2017-03-13.yang", modlen=40, pcb=0x6c7320, ptyp=YANG_PT_TOP, retmod=0x7fffffffdd40) at ../../../netconf/src/ncx/ncxmod.c:1836 #32 0x00007ffff78c29b0 in load_module (modname=0x68fb80 "./ietf-interfaces-common@2017-03-13.yang", revision=0x0, pcb=0x6c7320, ptyp=YANG_PT_TOP, retmod=0x7fffffffdd40) at ../../../netconf/src/ncx/ncxmod.c:1917 #33 0x00007ffff78c32e7 in try_load_module (pcb=0x6c7320, ptyp=YANG_PT_TOP, modname=0x68fb80 "./ietf-interfaces-common@2017-03-13.yang", revision=0x0, retmod=0x7fffffffddf8) at ../../../netconf/src/ncx/ncxmod.c:2274 #34 0x00007ffff78c3daf in ncxmod_load_module (modname=0x68fb80 "./ietf-interfaces-common@2017-03-13.yang", revision=0x0, savedevQ=0x7ffff7ddbaa8 <agt_profile+168>, retmod=0x7fffffffddf8) at ../../../netconf/src/ncx/ncxmod.c:2784 #35 0x00007ffff7b9dc79 in agt_init2 () at ../../../netconf/src/agt/agt.c:820 #36 0x0000000000401204 in cmn_init (argc=11, argv=0x7fffffffe0b8, showver=0x7fffffffdfca, showhelpmode=0x7fffffffdfc4, validate_config_only_mode=0x7fffffffdfc3) at ../../../netconf/src/netconfd/netconfd.c:227 #37 0x000000000040138c in main (argc=11, argv=0x7fffffffe0b8) at ../../../netconf/src/netconfd/netconfd.c:345 (gdb) print *pcb $3 = {qhdr = {hdr_typ = 0, prev = 0x0, next = 0x0}, tkc = 0x74efe0, exprstr = 0x74eef0 "derived-from-or-self(../if:type,\n\t\t 'ianaift:ethernetCsmacd') or\nderived-from-or-self(../if:type, 'ianaift:sonet') or\nderived-from-or-self(../if:type, 'ianaift:atm') or\nderived-from-or-self(../if:"..., reader = 0x0, source = XP_SRC_YANG, errinfo = {qhdr = {hdr_typ = 0, prev = 0x0, next = 0x0}, descr = 0x0, ref = 0x0, error_app_tag = 0x0, error_message = 0x0, seen = false}, logerrors = true, missing_errors = false, targobj = 0x0, altobj = 0x0, varobj = 0x0, curmode = XP_CM_NONE, obj = 0x74ea40, objmod = 0x628bc0, docroot = 0x63c0f0, val = 0x0, val_docroot = 0x0, doctype = XP_DOC_DATABASE, flags = 0, result = 0x0, context = {qhdr = {hdr_typ = 0, prev = 0x0, next = 0x0}, dblslash = false, position = 0, last = 0, node = {objptr = 0x74ea40, valptr = 0x74ea40}}, orig_context = {qhdr = {hdr_typ = 0, prev = 0x0, next = 0x0}, dblslash = false, position = 0, last = 0, node = {objptr = 0x74ea40, valptr = 0x74ea40}}, getvar_fn = 0x0, cookie = 0x0, varbindQ = { hdr_typ = 2727, prev = 0x74ee68, next = 0x74ee68}, functions = 0x7ffff7b7dfc0 <functions>, result_cacheQ = {hdr_typ = 2727, prev = 0x64ac90, next = 0x750410}, resnode_cacheQ = {hdr_typ = 2727, prev = 0x7462a0, next = 0x7462a0}, result_count = 3, resnode_count = 1, parseres = NO_ERR, validateres = NO_ERR, valueres = NO_ERR, tkerr = {mod = 0x628bc0, linenum = 338, linepos = 7}, seen = false} (gdb) call tk_dump_chain(pcb->tkc) line(338.12), tk(1), typ(token string) val(derived-from-or-self) line(338.32), tk(2), typ(left paren) val(() line(338.33), tk(3), typ(range separator) val(..) line(338.35), tk(4), typ(forward slash) val(/) line(338.36), tk(5), typ(prefix qualified ID string) val(type) *cur* line(338.43), tk(6), typ(comma) val(,) line(338.65), tk(7), typ(single quoted string) val(ianaift:ethernetCsmacd) line(338.89), tk(8), typ(right paren) val()) line(338.91), tk(9), typ(token string) val(or) line(338.93), tk(10), typ(token string) val(derived-from-or-self) line(338.113), tk(11), typ(left paren) val(() line(338.114), tk(12), typ(range separator) val(..) line(338.116), tk(13), typ(forward slash) val(/) line(338.117), tk(14), typ(prefix qualified ID string) val(type) line(338.124), tk(15), typ(comma) val(,) line(338.126), tk(16), typ(single quoted string) val(ianaift:sonet) line(338.141), tk(17), typ(right paren) val()) line(338.143), tk(18), typ(token string) val(or) line(338.145), tk(19), typ(token string) val(derived-from-or-self) line(338.165), tk(20), typ(left paren) val(() line(338.166), tk(21), typ(range separator) val(..) line(338.168), tk(22), typ(forward slash) val(/) line(338.169), tk(23), typ(prefix qualified ID string) val(type) line(338.176), tk(24), typ(comma) val(,) line(338.178), tk(25), typ(single quoted string) val(ianaift:atm) line(338.191), tk(26), typ(right paren) val()) line(338.193), tk(27), typ(token string) val(or) line(338.195), tk(28), typ(token string) val(derived-from-or-self) line(338.215), tk(29), typ(left paren) val(() line(338.216), tk(30), typ(range separator) val(..) line(338.218), tk(31), typ(forward slash) val(/) line(338.219), tk(32), typ(prefix qualified ID string) val(type) line(338.226), tk(33), typ(comma) val(,) line(338.228), tk(34), typ(single quoted string) val(ianaift:otnOtu) line(338.244), tk(35), typ(right paren) val()) (gdb)